To set up a system like the example above, first each role must be given either a name, emoji, or both, and then a chain of provides must be set up.
You might also want to make it so these emojis are given to people as rewards for getting these roles, for more about that see Emoji. Make sure you give your admin roles access to the emoji too though!
Note that the name must be surrounded in `backticks` if there are multiple words.
If you give someone one role, provides will automatically add any other roles they need too. For example, if I rank someone sub-10 I also want to give them sub-15 and sub-20. Also, if I rank someone sub-15, I also want to give them sub-20. To do this, I can set up a provides chain so sub-10 provides sub-15 and sub-15 provides sub-20.
Now you can use the ip!rank command to give people the roles sub-10, 15, or 20, and you can also react to messages and click check mark to give people these roles quickly.
If you make any mistakes, remove a role with
quickrank remove role
Usage: ip!quickrank remove role @role
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Remove a role from quickrank entirely (reaction, named, time, provides)
To view the entire quickrank configuration, use
quickrank list
Usage: ip!quickrank list
list all quickrank configuration.