@inter·punct can tickets.
Notable Features
- Logs (Like This)
- In-discord transcripts
- Reaction controls (One reaction to create a ticket, one to close and save the transcript.)
- Automatic Ping (ping after someone sends a message)
- Automatic Close (close if no one sends anything)
Ticket Setup
ticket category
Usage: ip!ticket category CATEGORY NAME
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Active tickets will be put into the category you set. It must be empty and with the right permissions.
ticket invitation
Usage: ip!ticket invitation invitation message link
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Set the invitation message. Reacting to the invitation message will create a ticket.
ticket welcome
Usage: ip!ticket welcome Welcome Message...
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Set the message to be sent to users when they create a ticket. Do ip!ticket welcome to unset.
ticket logs
Usage: ip!ticket logs #ticket-logs #uploads
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Log the last 100 messages in a ticket to #ticket-logs when the ticket is closed. To disable, delete the log channels.
ticket transcripts
Usage: ip!ticket transcripts #ticket-transcripts
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Log all messages sent in a ticket to #ticket-transcripts. Does not log edits.
ticket ping
Usage: ip!ticket ping @Who to ping
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Set a person/role to @ after someone says something in a new ticket. do ip!ticket ping to unset.
ticket autoclose
Usage: ip!ticket autoclose Time eg 15min
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
automatically close a ticket if no one has sent anything it after the specified period. do ip!ticket autoclose 0s to unset.
ticket deletetime
Usage: ip!ticket deletetime Time eg 1min
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
set how long to wait after closing a ticket before deleting the channel. messages sent in this time will show up in transcripts, but not logs. default is 1 minute.
ticket creatorcanclose
Usage: ip!ticket creatorcanclose yes or no
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
set if the creator of the ticket can close it themself.
ticket dmonclose
Usage: ip!ticket dmonclose yes or no
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
set if the creator of the ticket should be dm'd when the ticket is closed.
If logs are enabled, they will be sent a link to a log of their ticket.
ticket disable
Usage: ip!ticket disable
Permissions: runner needs manage_bot.
Disable tickets.
To disable tickets, delete the invitation message and the ticket category.