2020-03-07, Interpunct version 3
Adds many new things and improves the experience of some old things. There are still lots of messages that haven't been written yet or are slightly confusing, if you have any issues, ask on the Support Server.
New Commands
Quickrank can be set up to allow admins to rank people quickly on a server.
After setup, you can react like this:
Or send a message like this:
to give a user one or more roles
Quickrank Setup — setup quickrank commandsRelevant Commands
ip!rank user comma, separated, list, of, role, names — rank someone with a given list of roles. role names must be configured with quickrank.
ip!quickrank list — list all quickrank configuration.
ip!quickrank add named backtick surrounded name @role — add a rank name to be used in the ip!rank command
ip!quickrank add reaction @role — add a reaction to react to messages and click check with to rank people
ip!quickrank add provides @role 1 -> @role 2 — when ranking users with role 1, also give them role 2.
ip!quickrank remove role @role — Remove a role from quickrank entirely (reaction, named, time, provides)
ip!quickrank set role role — set a role that allows members to quickrank even if they do not have permissions to manage roles. Keep in mind that this will allow people with this role to give people any of the roles configured in quickrank. If you don't want them giving away admin roles, make sure not to put those in quickrank.Errors
Quickrank Errors — errors
Autodelete in inter·punct can be set up to delete messages automatically from a user, in a channel, or starting with a given prefix, after a time period.Using autodelete rules to create a 3s-delete channel
Any messages sent in #3s-delete will be deleted after 3 seconds.Using autodelete rules to delete bot messages after a certain time period
Any messages sent by @Mee6 will be deleted after 10 seconds.Using autodelete rules to ban reaction gifs from tenor
Note: Autodelete rules set to <1 second will PM the user of the deleted message.Commands
ip!autodelete add duration eg. 10h 5min prefix|user|channel|role — create an autodelete rule. autodelete rules will delete messages that match a certain rule, such as those from a specific user or in a specific channel.
ip!autodelete list — list all autodelete rules on this server
ip!autodelete remove # — remove an autodelete rule. use ip!autodelete list to list.
Usage: ip!connect4
Play a game of connect 4.
To play connect4, select where to drop your tile and try to make a sequence of 4 in any direction including diagonal.
Usage: ip!remindme duration eg. 10h 5min Optional message
@inter·punct will pm you with your reminder after the specified time runs out
Usage: ip!trivia
play a game of trivia
Usage: ip!minesweeper
play minesweeper
Usage: ip!vote controversial statement
allows other people to vote on whether they agree or disagree with your statement
Usage: ip!members Optional @role
get the number of members on the server and optionally filter by a specific role
slowmode set
Usage: ip!slowmode set #channel duration eg. 10h 5min
Permissions: runner needs manage_channels.
Set the slowmode for a channel to values that discord does not provide (such as 1 second, 45 minutes, ...). Maximum of 6 hours, minimum of 1 second, set to 0 to disable slowmode.
Usage: ip!wr Optional Category%
Get the current speedrun world record holder
Usage: ip!stats
displays various statistics about the bot
Other Things
The purge command is now significantly faster
This website is completely new.
Also there are lots of other minor changes.